Hello all,
My name is Molly Emig, and I am a senior political science major at Loyola. As a political science major, it is important to have a rich background in the history of the United States, including literature and the arts. I took this class to deepen my connection and interest to both U.S. history and politics. I enjoy connecting the past to the present and seeing the disparities as well. Important figures from America's past, such as writers, poets, and playwrights, tell our story just as historians do. A different perspective on the history of our country is essential to my understanding of where we come from and where we are today. Outside of school, I enjoy both watching and playing sports. Although, basketball is definitely my favorite. After graduating this May, I plan to attend law school, hopefully here at Loyola, and continue to deepen my grasp on the institutions that govern and protect our country. I look forward to the next eight weeks in this course. Hope everyone had a nice summer!
Molly, You need to put your last name first Emig Introductory Blog, in order to get credit. Make sure you remember that rule in future.
Mary McCay