I tend to like Iron Man. |
Hey there. My name is Rebecca Hutchinson, but I respond to Rebecca, Bec, Becca, or most commonly, Hutch, because the people I went to high school with didn't like my first name (or because there were about six Rebeccas in our class). I am a 21 year old Senior at Loyola studying English Literature, but I dabble in Medieval Studies and Film Studies. I say dabble because I didn't really mean to, but because my electives all fell into either one of those categories, I get to pretend I'm a little bit smarter. I'm pretty much what my fields of study make me out to be - a bookworm who loves movies and history. In fact, my picture was taken at the fifteen hour long Marvel Marathon that led up to midnight release of the Avengers. So I'll just say, I'm a very proud dork. In the small times that I am not reading or watching a movie, I'm at work, or hanging with my friends - I'm not an overly complicated individual. However, this is kind of starting to sound like a personals ad, "I like romantic midnight strolls," and all of that jazz, so here's the more businessy-portion. I'm at Loyola because, being born and bred in New Orleans, I had no desire to leave my city, or go to a huge university where my teacher didn't know my name. I decided on Loyola almost instantly, wanting a good education and a good relationship with my professors here at home. Not to mention the most crucial detail, the place looks like Hogwarts, so yeah, I was hooked. Being an English major, people pretty much assume that I want to teach or write, neither of which are my first career choice. I realize I'll probably end up teaching, because I've tutored most of my life, I've worked in daycares, and I really love kids, but I don't want to be forced into that role. I can honestly say I have no idea what I'm going to do after graduation, except that I'd like to explore my options and see where life takes me. I'm pretty adaptable in the workplace, and I'm kind of intelligent, so something has to be out there. If not, my back up plan is to marry Marques Colston and live in a big house on St.Charles. A girl can dream, right? Also, in case you haven't noticed by now, I have a tendency to ramble and keep talking..
Rebecca, you know that you are only supposed to put your last name in the title of your blog, and you know why. Please use only your last name. Welcome.