I'm working towards a BA (English with a concentration in Literature). I'm taking this class because it beat out my other options in terms of personal interest, and I need the credit to graduate. I'm looking forward to reading all of the "classics" -- books which I, by all rights, should have already read, but have never gotten around to actually reading.
My interests include science fiction and fantasy literature, playing games (video, card, board, etc.), films, television (some shows airing currently are just as good, if not better, than many films), and my daughter Lucie (who turns ten months old at the end of August).
My plans for the future are tentative, at best. I'd like to pursue a Master's degree... in what I don't yet know. Can't wait to figure it out! In the interim, I'm content to be a soulless corporate cog with a steady 9-5, and perhaps try to work my way up the ladder.
I hope the class lives up to your interest and expectations. Hello again. This is not Harrison Ford.